Monday, September 21, 2015

Status Update and Poem

NOTE: So to start off, Hello world and hope things are well. My schedule has been crazy as of late bit I assure things are coming! I'm hoping to have finished my edits on another short story to share with you all. I'm thinking close to the start of October. Then once that's done and out of the way, I will be only posting sparingly ever few days (most likely just poems). I say this because I will be working diligently on a new concept I mentioned in am earlier post!  So stay tuned.


The Cry of the unwilling Martyr

What the hell do I even say? I am full of regret.
My thoughts are bleak and harsh
But my words will move you to change
To not be an example of a martyr

The truth is I do this to myself
Always trapped in my head, circling down and down
Till all there is noise
But my intentions will move you to let loose
All the pent up angst and wishes you kept quiet

Why didn't I ever speak up?
Perpetually silent and barely saying a word to any of you
My ways are confused, my roads are twisted
But my mistakes will test your will
To show that a voice is never gone

Never lying, my soul is heavy and filled with sorrow
I will never know peace but say I do
And my venting will bring you my way
Aggression filled and tired eyes kept

My throat is sore when I decide to yell
It's a journey to some sort of belief
But my trials will convince you to be greater
To rise high and always keep fighting

My advice is something chose never to follow
Despite everything it seems the better option
And to keep moving versus standing by
Maybe I will be a margin to you in the end

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